God’s Kingdom is an actual rule established by Holy the Creator. “The Kingdom of our Creator” is also called “The Realm of Heaven” since it rules from heaven. It is superior to all human religions and governments in every way. Holy: The Creator of everything, is the only absolute ruler in the kingdom of heaven. He rules from heaven to here on earth by his Spirit, which means his Teaching. Note: Since his name is Holy and a Spirit is a Teaching, he rules by his Holy Spirit, or Holy’s Teachings.
He is not the good God, of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, that all of the branches of religions, and worldly governments, on earth come from and rule by.  In fact, he is the one who told you not to eat of this tree of the knowledge of good and bad, that you would not die.
We will go to work for Holy in this way... Like Ants work for their Queen we will work for our King (Holy) in His realm. We will go to work in the world but be no part of the world. We will work any job in the world that we choose and make any wage it pays giving it to Holy's Realm. Then Holy will give you all that you need until their is no more want for anything. Things like Eternal life, good health, food, pay all of your bills, watch over you etc. He will do these things as long as you work for Him, and stop eating (learning) of the knowledge of a good god and a bad devil. Yes; stop putting these two gods before His face and live!     MORE TO COME SOON...

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