Question: Where did it all begin?
Answer: Holy who is God of all things, according to His accounting of it, has been living forever, without beginning and without end. As this is the case then everything has it beginning with Holy’s creation of it. So, to ask the question, where did it all begin? Must be answered “With Holy (God)” as did, all things of creation.
Question: When does life begin?
According to the Bible at Genesis 2:7. “And my Father, (whose name is Holy). Preceded to form the man out of dust of the ground and Holy blew into his nostrils the breath of life and the man came to be a living soul.
Now, understand what the Holy Spirit (Holy’s teaching) is saying here. Adam and Eve were made of dust of the ground. This means their bodies are made of dust of the ground. This means Holy is forming all of mankind born in the bellies of their mother’s, (the dust of the ground), and when we come out of her belly, Holy blows the breath of life into us and we become a living soul. When Holy blows the breath of life into the man, this is the beginning of life.
Question: What is sin?
Sin is the learning of the knowledge of good and bad. “For what friendship does righteousness and lawlessness have with each other?” “None; because good and bad are the same tree and they are always judging, and at war with themselves? Continually, judging what is bad and what is good for themselves, and everyone they meet.” “There is no peace in them while they continue to eat of the knowledge of a good God and an bad Devil the same as with the worldly governments, as long as they continue to partake of good and bad in all of their judicial decisions. There will be no peace on earth until this comes to and end”!
Question: Is all of creation controlled by you (Holy), or does it just happen?
Answer: There is nothing in my realm that happens that I do not know about. But because of sin I will let it go its own way occasionally. If you do not want it to "JUST HAPPEN" know what sin is and stop doing it. Then, I will return to you.